Series meetings (where we hold an informal discussion group and our library is available) will continue in Lucy's home for now.
Coffee & Play (Salvation Army Hall):
Thursday 19 August 2010
Thursday 2 September 2010
Thursday 7 October 2010
(further dates TBC)
Series Meetings (Lucy's house):
Tuesday 14 September - Advantages of Breastfeeding
Tuesday 19 October 2010 - The Family & the Breastfed Baby
Tuesday 16 November 2010 - The Art of Breastfeeding & Avoiding Difficulties
Tuesday 14 December 2010 - Nutrition & Weaning
The titles of these meetings are a rough guide to how we will start our informal discussion. The focus of all sessions is mother-to-mother support and discussions will naturally adapt to the needs & questions of the mothers, babies & children present.
Please note that whilst our groups are completely free to attend, we will have to start paying for use of the Salvation Army Hall from October, so we are asking that whenever possible mothers make a small donation to the group. We suggest £1. These small donations mean that we can hire the hall, keep stocked with free teas & coffees and hand out free information leaflets, as well as contributing to advertising the group to local mothers and helping to purchase new books for our free lending library.
All meetings are 10am-12pm unless otherwise stated